
Spring in Full Bloom

Spring in Wellington means really changeable weather…well perhaps that’s always the case here as the saying goes…”if you don’t like the weather in Wellington don’t worry, it will change”…that is a good philosophy for everything.

So we are finding that the sun always manages to pop out if only for a few moments and now as Spring progresses with the promise of summer and the days becoming noticeably longer and the breezes noticeably warmer we are having many bright and beautiful days all in a row……

........one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging
......stay in and work on the computer or go to the beach? :)

…..and the spring blossoms….flowers bursting out everywhere….all along the hills and streets, ditches and pathways …..Calla lilies, sweet peas, roses, geraniums, daisies, gorse and just so many I am yet to learn the names for.

…and they are huge….what would be a small struggling perennial back in Canada has grown on to become bushes or even (in the case of the roses) trees
Many are escapees from gardens and like the roses here on Roseneath Terrace are like king sized blankets of blooms draped down the cliff face.

Even at the sandy shore line hardy salt resistant succulents grow out amongst the driftwood and sea shells….able to hold on against the sometimes gale force winds.

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